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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do you accept simultaneous submissions?

    • Yes! If you do submit work to us as well as to another publication​ (or multiple other publications), please just let us know as soon as possible if another publication accepts your work before we do.

  • When does the submission period close?

    • Technically never. We are always accepting submissions! But if you want to have your work considered for our next issue (Fall 2020), you MUST send it to us by September 1, 2020.​

  • Do you charge a submission fee or reading fee?

    • Nope! And we don't plan to. Submitting to the Astral Waters Review is absolutely free.​

  • Do you pay for accepted submissions?

    • Unfortunately, we can't guarantee payment for accepted work at this time, though we wish we could. If your submission is accepted by our editors, we will inform you at that time if we can provide any financial compensation. Accepted authors will, however, always be guaranteed a digital copy of the issue in which their work appears.

  • If your magazine is free to download, how do you make money?

    • We rely solely on donations from our community. Please visit our DONATION PAGE if you would like to support us so that we can pay for the basic upkeep of our website, publishing tools, editorial staff, and, most importantly, the beautifully talented authors and artists who make our magazine possible. 

  • ​Can I advertise my business/book/art gallery/event in one of your issues?

    • ​Yes! Send a mock-up of your ad idea to Pricing subject to size of advertisement. Additionally, we request that your ad relate to our magazine in some way, whether you're advertising something literary, artistic, or in any way related to inclusivity, diversity, or SF/F.

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We promise not to spam your inbox. We email our newsletter only once a month.

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©2018 by Astral Waters Press

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